Sunday, January 4, 2015

Things I like about my father

My father is a wonderful human being. Yet, I have had a difficult relationship with him over the years. Here is a list of things I like about my father.

  1. His generosity - he is generous to the core. He gives more to others than what he keeps for himself. 
  2. His loving kindness - he is kind to all living beings - be it people or animals. Be it wealthy or poor. He is kind to one and all.
  3. His friendliness - even though my father has not been successful financially, he has countless friends. This is because he is a good human being. People feel safe around him. People like themselves when they are with him.
  4. His love and care for his children - he has dedicated most of his adult life to the well being of his children, even when his children have had bitter relationship with him at times
  5. His dedication to my mother - he has patiently taken care of my mother's health issues, even though they have had differences most of their lives
  6. His dedication to my grandparents - he worked day and night to look after my grandparents during their old age, which lasted for more than 10 years. He took care of them without complaining, even though he had a bitter relationship with his father.
  7. His sense of adventure - he has been bold through his youth and most of his adult life. He has not been afraid to lose his wealth, fame, or life to pursue something in his life. He perhaps lacked perseverance, but he has been willing to take chances in his life, and has faced failures smilingly for the most part.
  8. His love for art, literature, music, nature, and finer things in life -- my father is responsible for my interest in nature, literature, music, fine arts, travel, and culture
  9. His passion for healthy lifestyle - my father is responsible for inculcating my passion for healthy lifestyle -- be it swimming, skiing, yoga, hiking, or eating healthy
  10. His spirituality - he believes in not harming other. I am most grateful to him for introducing me to Vipassana meditation to get rid of impurities in my mind. He helped me lead to the gem of Vipassana in my life. I am indebted to him for the rest of my lives for helping me find Vipassana.
  11. His equanimity -- his ability to smile at ups and downs in life
  12. His love, respect, and affection for my wife
  13. His athleticism -- my father was very athletic during his school years
  14. His ability to maintain relationships -- even to this day, his childhood friends remember him very fondly. In fact, it was one of his school friends who provided me with financial documents to come to the US
  15. His tireless patience and help in finding me a wife

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