Friday, January 9, 2015

Why do I fight? What to do about anger?

I know I have anger within me. The source is internal, not external. Though, it may seem external the cause is internal.

I want to be free of suffering. Free of anger. Be a loving person.

What is the strategy to come out of suffering?
  1. Meditate 1.5 hour in the morning; Give metta at the end of every meditation
  2. Meditate 1.5 hour in the evening; Give metta at the end of every meditation
  3. Give metta to yourself at the end of every meditation
  4. Don't be too hard on yourself
  5. Exercise daily
  6. Know in advance situations and conversations that make me angry
  7. Observe my breath and sensations during tense situations
  8. Keep my mouth shut -- do not react -- when I am agitated
  9. Don't talk unnecessarily
  10. Don't worry about things that are not under my control
  11. Track Vipassana log everyday

Vipassana can help eradicate impurities, little by little. Don't expect miracles. If you have a lot of impurities in you, the process can take a long time - a few lifetimes

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